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Reserving a Study Room


Students are able to reserve study rooms at Green Library and Hubert Library using the online reservation system. Rooms can be reserved in 3-hour blocks and up to 14 days in advance. 



To Reserve a Group Study Room

  1. Go to the Group Study Rooms Reservation Service System

  2. Select the appropriate campus/library

  3. Choose the day for the reservation from the drop-down menu

  4. View available rooms & times  (key) = available   (lock) = reserved

  5. Select the appropriate room size for your group

  6. Read & accept the Terms of Agreement

  7. Login with your 14-digit Library Card Number, beginning with 2119900... (located on the back of your FIU One Card), and your Library Account Password

  8. Wait for the message that will appear informing you that you have successfully booked your room

  9. Pick up your room key at the appointed time from the Circulation/Check Out Desk


Rules to Remember

  • The student who made the reservation must bring their FIU One Card with them in order to claim the room

  • You have 15 minutes from the time of the start of the appointment to claim the room or it will be forfeited and assigned to the next group

  • All members of the group must be present when you pick up the room key

  • You can only make one reservation per day and can hold only one at a time

  • By making this reservation and checking out this key, you agree to be responsible for any damage to the room and to abide by the Group Study Room Policy

  • Overdue keys/rooms will carry a $30/hour (or part thereof) fine; for more information on late fees, please see Fines, Fees, & Other Charges

  • You cannot reserve a room via your smart phone/mobile device; the system will not successfully process the reservation (even if you receive a confirmation) and therefore we cannot guarantee a room has been reserved


Information on Study Rooms from FIU Study Room Information website. Direct link here. 

Modesto Maidique Campus
11200 SW 8 Street
Miami,FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-2874
Fax: (305) 348-3878

2016. Jacquelyn Johnston

Created for ENG 6937: Teaching College Composition. Florida International University.

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